Tuesday 12 May 2015

Wedding Tradition of Orang Asli

Last week, my friend and I went to the Museum Orang Asli which is located at Gombak. It just nearby Gombak, so easy for us to go there. When I reach there, the museum is so like a house of people, but most of the things are coming from the bamboos! So, in my opinion, Orang Asli really like the bamboos. Their house, crafts, tools and everything are coming from the bamboos. So, if you want to go there, so do not be surprised if Orang Asli are so creative regarding bamboos.

Since this is my first time to go there, so I am so excited to know and want to make the comparison between their culture and my culture which is malay culture. After few things, then I decided to take a bit closer regarding their wedding. This is because for each tribal of Orang Asli, they have different marriage style. However, I found out that this tribal of Orang Asli has some commons from Malay weddings.

Here, I will tell you how the Orang Asli get married and what are their customs are. :)

1. Waiting Stage (Adat Menunggu)

The future son-in-law needs to wait the acceptance of the father-in-law by convincing the father-in-law through making all the daily works. Here, the son-in-law nees to do the daily works such as gardening, fishing and other things just because want to show that they can be a good leader and can support the family later. So here, at this stage we called as Adat Menunggu or Waiting Stage.

2. Engagement (Merisik)

After the future father-in-law gives the green light, then the son-in-law can go for the next stage which is Merisik. Here, both parents from the boy and girl will discuss and get the consent from the boy and the girl about their wedding. After receiveing the permission, then they will meet Tuk Penghulu and ask about the wedding. Tuk Penghulu will be the as the leader for the wedding and they must get the bless (restu) from Tuk Penghulu if they want the marriage longer and happy. And from Tuk Penghulu, they will get the advises and guidances.

3. Marriage (Perkahwinan)

After meeting with Tuk Penghulu and get the date of wedding, then they marriage caremony will take over. The marriage must conducted at night only. Both groom and bride will be accompanied by their companion and go to wedding. The broom's side will prepare the room specially for the newly wed so that they must sleep together. During this time, the escort people will observe and report anything regarding the bride and groom. Next, at the night, both parents of bride and groom will provide the foods for all people and they will serve variety of foods there. And on that night too, they will memebakar kemenyan and also menabur bertih. This is because according to their belief, by doing this, it will make the marriage last longer and giving happiness to both husband and wife. And also, to prevent from the bad eyes and also illness from attaching to that family.

4. Dance (Tarian Sewang)

After the wedding ceremony, then they will have the dance known as Tarian Sewang that will take place in the hall or the special place that already provided for them.

By : Nurul Farah Amalina Bt Zulkurnain

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